Page 13 - Harnett Life Fall 2020
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artist. I grew up on a farm and would make art out of anything from realistic to impressionistic with a smattering of abstract.
I could find. For example, as a child, I sculpted George Wash- To change it up, Gebhart also paints en Plein air — the act of
ington out of the orange clay in our yard. In middle school, I painting outdoors. This method contrasts with studio painting
took metal pieces and nails and made sculptures. I grew up or academic rules that might create a predetermined look.
watching Bob Ross and started taking a few painting lessons
while I was in high school, continuing with fine art education Lately, Gebhart has begun to focus more on studio work and
at Sandhills Community College. My initial career path di- creating pieces for shows and exhibitions such as the popular
verged, though, making art more of a hobby. So, when I started Art in Bloom festival at the North Carolina Museum of Art,
doodling, sketching and drawing at work all the time and day- held annually but canceled for 2020. On occasion, she has
dreaming about what I would create when I left, I knew I had exhibited at local galleries, such as last spring’s showing of
to make a change.” “The 57” at The Mill in Fuquay — a challenge to create 57 5x7
Since then, the Barefoot Artist has delved into the arts seri- paintings in 57 days — which was wildly popular, resulting in
ously, noting she paints, sculpts or builds something every day. the sale of everything she made.
Her interests have led her into photography, floral arranging,
gardening and other creative pursuits while staying true to her Why 57, you might ask? “It was random,” she explained. “The
first loves of painting and sculpting. canvases I had were 5x7s, hence the idea for a theme. I painted
landscapes of places I visited and experienced throughout the
However, even in different hobbies, her arts-side remains dom- year, such as trips to the beach, the mountains, the Biltmore.
inant, exemplified in the main reason for a garden. “So, I can I also painted a lot of flowers, garden scenes and trees. My
paint what I see,” she explained. “I want my backyard to be a daughters and I go on an annual vacation together, and those
canvas. It took three years to grow a paintable garden.” With trips provide images and inspiration I use later in my work.”
flora such as verbena trees, rose bushes, banana and maple Gebhart plans to host “The 57” again March 12, 2021, the date
trees, lamb’s ear, clematis, perennial flowers and bulbs, as well being ― what else ― the sum of 5 and 7.
as greenhouse built of windows, you might look around and
say this jack-of-all-trades is done, but she names the yard still The award-winning Gebhart is not only limited to landscapes
“a work in progress.” “I want three seasons of blooms, so this and nature scenes. Her love for storm clouds, old buildings,
fall thou I plan to plant a thousand more bulbs.” abandoned homes and dilapidated barns can be seen in many
of her paintings. In abstract work, which she creates in her
Primarily working with acrylics for her mural work and oils home downstair’s studio where she can “sling” paint, Gebhart
— which she loves — for everything else, her style ranges said her emotional side comes out. “That’s my messy studio,”
Harnett Life ~ Fall 2020 Page 13