Page 8 - Robeson Living Spring 2022
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Neil Simon’s THE DINNER PARTY (2000) in which Penny
was Tony-nominated: “God, am I lucky! The cast - Henry Win-
kler, John Ritter, Veanne Cox, Len Cariou, Jan Maxwell. Hav-
ing started with Neil Simon in BAREFOOT IN THE PARK,
how fabulous that this point in your life you have written some-
thing so far from your usual thing. These were about French
people in a restaurant, kind of like a therapy session in a way.
That’s what some of the ladies would say after meeting me af-
ter the matinees. I got to have the most glamourous part, in the
most glamorous dress, and be with these wonderful people.”
Penny has no problem portraying unlikeable characters. “I
don’t mind playing the villain. They think they’re doing the
right thing or doing the thing that’s important. I believe that
actors on the stage create something that go out over the or-
chestra and the audience is leaning forward and meet in the
middle. This is not original. Bob Benedetti taught it. It’s like
life everlasting, ‘cause what happens to that person you created
when the play is over? It’s a person and it’s up there in the ether
with my part and your part mixing and they have life eternal
up there. God knows how many Lady Macbeths are floating
Fuller was married to Atlanta physician Knox Kinlaw, and they
have a daughter.
Fuller as Anne Boleyn in Broadway musical “Rex” James McEachin
Working in front of a camera or a live audience isn’t all that James McEachin, the youngest of four children, was born on
different for Penny. “My work is to create this character and May 20, 1930, in Rennert, North Carolina. While he was a
open myself. Either I’m pouring it out to audience or the cam- young boy his mother moved the family to Hackensack, NJ
era is coming into me and taking it out of me. It takes more following his father death.
mental energy to do film, and more physical energy to do the-
atre, but ultimately it’s not that different. Also, in television, He joined the US Army at the age of 18 serving six years. Dur-
you don’t know what they’re going to cut or not cut.” ing the Korean War he served in King Company, 9th Infantry
The television version of Bernard Pomerance’s The Elephant Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. He was severely wounded
Man (1982) with Penny’s Emmy-winning performance as in an ambush and was only one of two soldiers to survive the
Mrs. Kendal: “My dearest, dearest director Jack Hofsiss was ambush. In 2005 McEachin participated in a Veterans History
the youngest Tony winner. He was so brilliant. And Philip An- Project interview. At that time California Congressman David
glim, who was the Elephant Man, has become my dearest, Dreier discovered McEachin had no copies of his own military
longest, deepest friend. We had a word ‘celestial.’ That’s what records. Dreier’s office quickly traced the records and notified
Philip and I would say, ‘How was the performance tonight? McEachin that he earned a Purple Heart and Silver Star. Fi-
It was pretty good.’ But if it was really great, we’d say it was nally, fifty years after his service he was awarded all seven of
‘celestial.’” his medals of valor.
The American Playhouse made-for-television version of Ten- After leaving the military he spent time as a policeman and
nessee Williams’ Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (1984), in which fireman before moving to California and becoming a record
Penny played Mae (a.k.a. “Sister Woman”): “Incredible cast producer. After a short stint in the music industry McEachin
and that’s Jack Hofsiss, as well. My naughtiest thought was went into acting and spent many years in film and television.
that I wanted to play Blanche DuBois with Tommy Lee Jones Not yet content he took time away from acting to become an
as Stanley. He’s a real southern guy who understands those award-winning author and maker of audio books.
guys. Just an honor, an honor to be with those people - Kim
Stanley, Rip Torn, Tommy Lee Jones, Jessica Lange and Da- In an interview with Ability Magazine, he was asked to talk
vid Dukes. What else do you want in life?” about his acting career. He answered acting was never really
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