Page 17 - Harnett Life Winter 2022
P. 17

While FOLD line dancers are diverse in age, they share a love for dance and fellowship

       holiday parades, weekly dance classes and more. If music is   after COVID. However, he and his wife are still dancing at
       playing, these line dancers are there!                    home. We made them some CDs to keep up until it is safe for
                                                                 them to return. We have a few other members in their 80s, sev-
       The group also sponsors workshops and dances for “any rea-  eral in their 70s and many others ranging from children starting
       son we can come up with,” Bristow quipped. For 2022 she is   at age 10 to youth and adults of all ages. Our average age danc-
       looking forward to the winter ball that takes the place of their   ers are in their 50s.”
       usual holiday party.
                                                                 Some people have a natural propensity for dancing. However,
       Line Dancing 101                                          Bristow said anyone can learn to line dance given the few re-
       Line dancing is exactly what its name implies: people dancing   quirements needed to succeed. “It takes a little bit of dedica-
       in lines to music. Line dances are choreographed dances with   tion, but once you learn the steps and the language, it is yours
       a repeating series of steps performed in unison by a group of   forever,” she explained. “For most folks, it takes a couple of
       people in lines or rows, most often without the dancers making   months before they begin to feel confident; others come in and
       contact with one another.                                 pick it up after just a few classes. If you’ve danced before line
                                                                 dancing, it is much easier to learn because line dance is a fu-
       All the dancers performing a line dance face the same direction   sion of all other types of dance and cultures worldwide. Once
       and perform the steps simultaneously. Although several lines   you know you like to dance, you will probably try many differ-
       usually exist, small groups may only form one line, but it’s still   ent types of dancing.”
       considered a line dance even if only two people participate.
       With simple steps and no need for a partner, line dancing is per-  Once they get started, line dancing enthusiasts stay with the
      fect for singles and people who don’t normally dance. Instruc-  hobby for the long haul. Bristow noted that people join for all
      tors teach line dancing in recreational facilities, country and   kinds of reasons: exercise, social aspects and some “because
      western dance bars, social clubs and dance halls worldwide.  their  friend twisted their  arm.”  Continuing,  she said, “Line
                                                                 dance is good for your mind, your body and your spirit. Plus,
      Demographics                                               it’s fun! Once people are here and start experiencing the wel-
      Who participates? According to the FOLD leader, the full-time   coming and compassionate nature of our dancers, they stick
      executive director of the Coats Area Chamber of Commerce   with it. I mean, really, who would want to leave that? Friend-
      and side business owner and operator at Just...Smile! photog-  ships are forged that will stand the test of time, and in no time
      raphy and design, “any and everyone who wishes to be a part,   at all, everyone feels like they are a part of our other FOLD
      women and men alike, with no prerequisites or tryouts.”    acronym: family of line dancers.”

      Of the group demographics, Bristow said, “Our oldest member   Classes
      is 84, but unfortunately, he and his 80-year-old wife have not   The COVID  pandemic  closed several FOLD  offerings, but
      been able to participate since we were allowed to meet again   the remaining classes meet at the following places/times: just-

      Harnett Life ~ Winter 2022                                                                                Page 17
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