Page 48 - Harnett Life Summer 2022
P. 48

8 Essentials for a

                               Healthy Heart

                                                                                    Photo courtesy of Getty Images

                                                                 “The idea of optimal  cardiovascular  health  is important  be-
                                                                 cause it gives people positive goals to work toward at any stage
      Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 cause of death in      of life,” said Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, M.D., Sc.M., EAHA,
      the United States and globally. Studies throughout the past two   president of the American Heart Association and chair of the
      decades indicate more than 80% of all cardiovascular events   department  of preventive  medicine  at Northwestern Univer-
      may be prevented by a healthy lifestyle and management of   sity’s Feinberg School of Medicine. “We felt it was the right
      risk factors.                                              time to conduct a comprehensive review of the latest research
                                                                 to refine the existing metrics and consider any new metrics that
      To  help Americans  measure  their  cardiovascular  health  and   add value to assessing cardiovascular health for all people.”
      make meaningful lifestyle changes, the American Heart Asso-
      ciation introduced Life’s Essential 8, a checklist that explains   Start making positive changes to improve your heart and brain
      eight  habits  and  health  measures  that  affect  heart  and  brain   health with these eight essential steps:
      health and overall well-being.
                                                                 Eat Better
      The checklist incorporates knowledge gained from more than   The checklist offers a simple questionnaire to assess your eat-
      2,400  scientific  papers  on  cardiovascular  health  published   ing pattern. A heart-healthy  diet encompasses a high intake
      since it was originally introduced as Life’s Simple 7 more than   of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes; whole grains and fat-
      a decade ago. It has been expanded to apply to anyone age 2   free and low-fat dairy; lean protein; and low intake of sodium,
      and older, and now includes sleep as the eighth cardiovascular   red and processed meats and sweetened foods and drinks. Eat
      health component, reflecting findings that healthy sleep is es-  whole foods and rely on healthy non-tropical oils (like olive
      sential for optimal heart and brain health.                and canola) for cooking.
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