Page 25 - Harnett Life Summer 2022
P. 25
was enduring some serious sickness or circumstance, it was This same Job said in another place. “All the days of my ap-
the evidence that the person was guilty of some serious sin and pointed time will I wait, till my change come.” For the Chris-
was reaping the consequences of their failure to do right. This tian the best is yet to come. “Weeping may endure for a night,
obviously was not always true and still is not. but joy cometh in the morning.”
This raises once again the age-old question of why bad things If you don’t have a personal relationship with the Sovereign
happen to good people. Why is that even those who make a de- God of time and eternity, God has made it possible for you to
termined effort to do the right thing, to make the right choices have one. Jesus Christ desires to be, and has made it possible
and who live lives that are above reproach and in alignment to, both Savior and Lord to all those who will call upon His
with the instructions of the Creator God and the expectations of name. If you desire more information, feel free to contact me.
reasonable men, are made to suffer, sometimes in very serious
ways, physically, financially, emotionally and in a thousand Pastor Charles P. Locklear
other ways? This is not a simple question, and I shall make no Bethany Christian Fellowship
attempt to present you a simple answer. I, along with the rest of
humanity, find myself struggling with the inevitable dilemma 307 S. Jones St. Pembroke, NC 28372
of making sense out of the events that break our hearts and Director, Morning Star Ministries, Box 220,
shape our lives. Pembroke, NC 28372
What I do know is that while trouble is inevitable, it’s not eter-
nal. The worst storms possible, never last but a short while. [email protected] (910) 734-8795
The days of our journey is short, in the face of eternity. Like
the beautiful flower that cometh forth in beauty and splendor,
but just as quickly, loses it beauty and is cut down and cast
away, and like the shadow that appears for a moment and just
as quickly, disappears. Such is the life that is given to those
who are born of a woman. The parents of humanity, Adam and
Eve, has created for all men a complicated and challenging trip
through this world. At the absolute best, we can expect that
along the way, in spite of our best planning, determination and SMITH FARM
effort, we are all members of the community of sufferers. No
amount of praying, consecration nor religious activity will ex-
empt us from the potential of pain in this life. Fresh • Local • Goodness
But, as Christian Believers, we reject the notion that life is NEW GOURMET POPCORN!!!!
meant to simply be endured but not enjoyed. Jesus himself said Sea Salt Caramel and other delicious flavors weekly!!
to those who follow him. I came that Ye might have life and Real Homemade Ice Cream
that Ye might have life more abundantly. To fulfill that promise - Real Homemade Toppings
our Lord provides a special measure of Grace that enable us to
get up every morning, full of hope and expectation and the con- - Roasted
fidence that nothing will come my way that will be too difficult Peanuts
for me to endure with the Lord’s presence and power. - Orangeade
- Fresh Hand
I take heart in the knowledge that my God is Sovereign over Squeezed
both Heaven and earth. My days and my circumstances are in Lemonade
His hands and under His control. He knows all about my ar-
rival date and my departure date from the world. And if I am OPEN
given a season of suffering, it will be a short season. Why then, Hwy 55 East
should I fear and why should I fret. Why should I spend my Hwy 55 East
days in bitterness and mental anguish over the things I cannot Coats, NC 27521
change and that indeed may work to my benefit when it’s all Coats, NC 27521
said and done. 910-897-4269
Harnett Life ~ Summer 2022