Page 20 - Harnett Life Summer 2022
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Central Carolina Community College, Randolph Community College, and Sandhills Community College have joined
efforts to offer a regional truck driving and logistics program. Pictured are Sandhills CC President Dr. John R. Dempsey,
CCCC President Dr. Lisa M. Chapman, and Randolph CC Vice President for Workforce Development & Continuing
Education Elbert Lassiter. Learn more about this program at
Golden LEAF awards CCCC $498,924.36 for
regional truck driving program equipment
The Golden LEAF Board of Directors has awarded Central drivers are in high demand in North Carolina and the country
Carolina Community College $498,924.36 for training equip- and quality truck driver training is an expensive program to
ment for a regional truck driving and logistics program provid- operate. CCCC and the collaborative appreciates the Golden
ing Commercial Truck Driver and short-term logistics courses. LEAF Board of Directors for this award, which will allow the
This award is part of a collaborative effort by Central Carolina, three colleges to leverage their partnership and provide access
Sandhills, and Randolph community colleges, which will be to Commercial Driver’s License training supporting the indi-
using a scaled shared-resources model to incentivize collabo- viduals in our communities looking for great jobs and the em-
ration. This project will serve Chatham, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, ployers who need a skilled workforce.”
Moore, and Randolph counties.
The truck driver training program provides instruction in both
“CCCC is excited to be the recipient of these Golden LEAF theory and practical -- hands-on behind-the-wheel operation
funds as part of our regional collaboration with Sandhills and of tractor-trailers preparing students to safely operate tractor-
Randolph community colleges. This is a unique opportunity trailer vehicles on the road to and from pickup and delivery
for three community colleges to work together to ensure that points. Emphasis is placed on defensive driving, Federal Motor
high quality, in-demand training is available across a wide Carrier Safety regulations, trip planning, cargo handling, ve-
region of central North Carolina,” said Margaret Roberton, hicle systems, hours of service, and accident prevention. Upon
CCCC Vice President for Workforce Development. “Truck completion, students should be able to demonstrate the skills
Page 20 Harnett Life ~ Summer 2022