Page 33 - Harnett Life Fall 2021
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be to care properly for animals, largely because they cover so clearly more than a teacher, but also a mentor and friend. “I
much material in such a short time. Over two years — or three would have a question about something and he was always my
years in Windward’s new hybrid program — students learn ‘go-to’: Tell me what I do about this and tell me what I do
technical content in weeks that could take many years “on the about that.” Loftis passed away five years ago, when Geiling
human side,” as she puts it. was working in Hawaii and pregnant with her first child. She
named her son Jonathan.
Nursing. Lab testing. Phlebotomy. Dentistry. Anesthesia. X-
ray. “And on the human side, they have just one species,” Making Her Own Impact
Geiling says. “We have dogs and cats and horses and birds, Dr. David Krupp has a unique perspective on the Windward
and there are species variations between those. It’s an insane Community College veterinary technology program. As a pro-
amount of information.” fessor of biological and marine sciences, he appreciates the
importance of veterinary science. As the current interim dean
An Unexpected Journey of academic affairs, he understands the challenges of running
Her path is something Geiling never anticipated. A native of academic programs. But, most importantly, as the parent of a
northern Minnesota, a place she describes as “The Land of graduate from Windward’s veterinary technology program, he
Snow and Ice,” Geiling arrived at CCCC about 15 years ago has seen first hand what an impact Geiling’s work has had on
after serving four years in the U.S. Navy on two different air- students.
craft carriers.
In fact, he describes it as a life-changing experience for his
She always loved animals. Growing up, Geiling learned every daughter. “Sam was, and still is, her mentor,” he said in an
dog and horse breed, probably because she made a beeline to email conversation. “As a result of my daughter’s involvement
the animal section every time she visited her local library. Even in Vet Tech, she is now doing amazing things. Most notably,
when librarians tried to broaden the young student’s perspec- she now works at the only vet that does surgeries on native and
tives by pushing her from nonfiction to fiction, she agreed only endangered Hawaiian birds and seabirds. She loves this work.”
after asking one essential question: “Do you know where the And that’s what may matter most to Geiling.
dog and horse stories are?”
Though she hasn’t even reached 40 years of age, Geiling has
So, as her military discharge date approached, Geiling started advanced from adjunct lecturer to assistant professor and now
searching for veterinary schools and veterinary technology to associate professor, a position she began officially on the
programs to launch her next phase of life and ended up living first day of August. She has shaped her state’s only academic
in Raleigh and studying at CCCC’s Lee Main Campus in San- program in veterinary technology and helped build a facility to
ford. It was a decision that changed her life — not only because house it. She has helped create statewide licensure and the Ha-
of the education she received, but the people she met. waii Veterinary Technician Association, where she now serves
as president.
Even now, more than 4,700 miles and a decade and half re-
moved from her experience in Sanford, Geiling effortlessly But despite all of that, what seems to drive Geiling most is
lists teachers who helped her succeed. There was Nancy Rob- making sure her own students have the same chance for suc-
inson, now retired after 39 years teaching the same laboratory cess that she did, thanks to a long list of teachers she cited by
techniques courses that Geiling teaches now. Then, there was name, including teachers like Dr. Browning, Mrs. Robinson
Dr. Kim Browning, a veterinarian and CCCC instructor, who and Jonathan Loftis. “I always thought those were big shoes
had Geiling in one of the first classes she ever taught. to fill,” she says. “I always looked to them and wondered how
they knew so much information. And now my students look to
To this day, Dr. Browning says Geiling “absolutely stands out” me and say the same thing.
as an extraordinary student and a “mature, team player” —
someone who sincerely wanted all of her classmates to suc- “It’s because I had awesome teachers who taught me now to
ceed. “You see some students who have that extra spark, and learn. They set the bar high. And I do too.”
Sam had that extra spark,” Dr. Browning says. “She always
stood out to us. We all knew Sam was going to accomplish To learn more about the Central Carolina Community College
good things.” Veterinary Medical Technology program, visit https://www.
But most of all there was instructor Jonathan Loftis. “He was
a huge influence on me as I was starting the program,” Geiling
explained on a transpacific video chat, taking a few seconds
to gather herself as she started to describe someone who was
Harnett Life ~ Fall 2021 Page 33