Page 31 - Harnett Life Fall 2021
P. 31
“Convincing 18- to 22-year-old males that they are not invin- him pushing ahead.
cible,” he told the group composed mostly of that precise de-
mographic. “That really turned a switch on for me,” she said after the
teleconference. “You’ve got to find your intrinsic motivation.
Halverson said he enjoys working with 18- to 22-year olds You’ve got to have your ‘why.’ Why are you choosing this ca-
because they develop a lot of maturity over those years. But reer? Why are you going for this? What is your motivation?”
it takes a while for young athletes to understand their vulner-
ability and learn the tools they need to achieve their own goals, That’s the kind of reaction Dr. Bryan hoped for when he and
which almost always include playing in the National Basket- colleague Bryan Koprowski arranged this event. “Students
ball Association or professionally overseas, where they can need to see a future and a need to connect with those at the
make a good salary. highest level of their craft,” Dr. Bryan explained. “In our geo-
graphical area, students are familiar with ACC basketball and
“When they get to juniors and seniors, you start to see all of to have Doug present his insight about his athletic training
those messages seeping in,” he said. “You start to feel like your practice at UNC is so valuable for our students.”
messages are getting through.” Dr. Bryan also said this was an opportunity to help guest speak-
ers learn a little about CCCC’s Health and Fitness Science pro-
Another theme threading through the discussion was the idea gram, meet students pursuing their associate degrees and may-
of collaboration. Though Halverson’s primary focus is on in- be assist those students if they ever meet again down the road.
dividual athletes and their successful rehabilitation, he also
works as part of a team — doctors, chiropractors, physical This was just the first of several virtual conferences planned
therapists and others — to make that happen. And, he said, the this year. Dr. Bryan is working with three other community
athletes play a critical role in their own rehabilitation. colleges in eastern North Carolina to offer a three-day wellness
fair in November. That event is expected to include more than
Jaimes, the first-year student from Siler City who asked Hal- 16 guest speakers featuring Richard Howell, head of strength-
verson about his greatest challenge, appreciated the trainer’s ening and conditioning for the Indianapolis Colts, and veteran
candor. Because she is working toward the same career, with National Football League player Tim Goad.
plans to transfer to a four-year university before pursuing a
master’s degree, it was especially helpful for her to hear Hal- To learn more about the Central Carolina Community College
verson run through his typical day, how he manages all of the Health & Fitness Science program, visit
competing job demands and what intrinsic motivation keeps riculum/majors/hfs/.
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