Page 17 - Robeson Living
P. 17

Thank You for trusting us with the

              care of your children for the past 20

            years. Our family serving your family

                                              since 1998!

                                                                      I would like to thank Cottonwood for being
              My child has been at  Cottonwood  for a couple of       friendly, kind, caring, and patient with Ma-
              years, and we love it!  All the teachers and assistants   son this year in your NC Pre K program (Ms.
              are wonderful and really interact well with the chil-   Vanna’s class).  I cannot thank you enough for
              dren, parents, and each other.  My family loves Cot-    always encouraging him to feel happy and com-
              tonwood and brags about them to everyone!!  Thank       fortable at your facility.  You have influenced
              you all for loving my child like he is your own!        my child’s life in so many positive ways.
                                               Christie Russell                                   Mason’s mom

                                                                   Our experience with Cottonwood and Ms. Van-
                                                                   na’s class has been beyond perfect.  We could
          The experience that our child has had at your facility has   not have asked for a better first time with “big
          been great!  We are truly proud of our son, and we       school”.  It breaks our heart that Case will not
          appreciate the staff and the van drivers who took care of our   be at Cottonwood with Ms. Vanna next year.
          child.  Thank you everyone!  It’s been a pleasure.       She has set standards high for the rest of his
                                                    Ashley Hunt    teachers in the upcoming years!  Thanks for ev-
                                                                   erything you all do.  It has made a difference in
                                                                   our lives!!
                                                                                             Hannah Chance



                   Call us about our free preschool

                                services for 2018-2019
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