Page 21 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
P. 21
ed and consumed. • From Seed to Feed Tour
Plant life begins with a seed. Students will learn all about
Students will be a-mazed at the amount of byproducts de- preparing the land for crops after the winter as well as differ-
rived from corn as it is truly a harvest of gold unlike any ent crops that are grown in Eastern North Carolina and how
other. Emphasis will also be placed on how a maze is cre- they help to feed the world. Emphasis will be placed on the
ated using GPS technology on the farm. plant life cycle from seed to mature plant.
• Gem Dandy Tour Students will participate in our Plant-a-Seed hands-on sea-
What is gem mining? During the Gem Dandy Tour, stu- sonal activity. Participants will be given their very own seed,
dents will learn about nature’s precious stones/rocks for- a transparent bag and magic Hubb’s soil to plant their seed
mation and classication. Class discussion will include the and carry it home for further observation.
importance and worldwide impact of these minerals, as
well as North Carolina’s rich gold history. New this year is Hubb’s themed Character Traits Trail with a
theme this year of “Oz.” Character development is an essen-
Students will learn the difference between a gem and a tial part of a child’s education. The Hubb’s trail is a non-de-
fossil. Tour participants will venture to Paydirt Pete’s Trea- cisional, meaning there is no way to get lost. Teachers will
sure Mine, Hubb’s very own mining sluice, for an inter- love it because they will not get their class “lost” in the maze,
active hands-on sluicing experience. Afterwards, students and kids love it because they will feel as if they have con-
will receive their very own identication cards to identify quered the maze. Throughout the trail, there are interactive
their discovered treasures. signs that will focus on Character Traits.