Page 30 - Robeson Living Fall 2017
P. 30
RCC Science Interns
Study Meteorites
those were in government
labs. The one at FSU and one
at Yale were the only two in
the world to which public re-
searchers had access.
Samantha and Celeste first
spent several days at RCC this
summer polishing the meteor-
ite samples, a necessary pre-
lude to analyzing them with
the microprobe. They then
accompanied Singletary to
FSU’s lab and observed as he
coated the samples with car-
bon, another step needed to
facilitate the analysis.
Celeste Lewis (middle) and Samantha Lewis (right) discuss their
research with Dr. Steven Singletary (left.) After these preliminary steps,
the samples were placed inside
Anyone who stays abreast of the business world knows the electron microprobe and students again assumed con-
that networking, connecting with others, is a key to suc- trol. They analyzed their samples by using a computer to
cess. Networking facilitates success in academia also. Last move the samples around inside the equipment so various
fall Robeson Community College Chemistry instructor and areas of the sample could be “probed” by electrons shot
science department program director Dr. Steven Singletary at them from a stationary “gun” within the equipment. A
attended the North Carolina Astronomy meeting. At this computer recorded the data during this process which Sa-
meeting he met, networked and developed a relationship mantha and Celeste analyzed later in order to classify their
with staff from the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute samples.
(PARI) which is located in the mountains of North Caroli-
na. A partnership between PARI, RCC, Fayetteville State Meteorites are classified by their composition, what they
University and the RCC Foundation grew out of this rela- are made of, and structure, how those elements are put to-
tionship. This past summer two Early College High School gether, according to Singletary. Samantha and Celeste not-
students, Celeste Lewis and Samantha Lewis (no relation) ed that both of their samples were classified as chondrites,
worked as interns, under Dr. Singletary’s supervision and meaning that the samples had chondrules or mineral grains
with Robeson Community College Foundation funding, on in them. Among chondrites there are three subcategories.
a PARI research project. Samantha discovered that her sample was what is known
as ordinary. Celeste discovered that her sample was “ensta-
Singletary was able to secure meteorite samples from PARI tite.’ Scientist believe that the earth was formed from en-
which the two RCC Early College students then analyzed statite material, which has more metal content, particularly
and identified using an electron microprobe at Fayetteville iron. Carbonaceous meteorites have a lot of carbon, but
State University. Singletary was instrumental in getting the none of the samples Samantha and Celeste studied proved
electron microprobe at Fayetteville State several years ago to be of this type.
when he was employed there. At the time, there were only
seven of these instruments in the entire world and five of When asked about the importance of this type of work, Sa-
Page 30 Robeson Living ~ Fall 2017