Page 20 - Robeson Living Fall 2017
P. 20
Robeson County Gives Back!!!!
By Christopher Williams
There are just times when you are so proud to call Robeson County home!!! The last month has been one of those times.
We all went thru a hurricane last year and the memory is still fresh on our minds. That is why when Hurricane Harvey hit
Texas that so many of you pitched in. It would take the entire magazine to show all the donations, and the organizations
and churches that pitched in. Even individuals gathering items in their homes, day cares, children in schools, gyms, etc.
You name it and seems that most hands in the county had a part. Not to mention at the time Irma was breathing down our
backs and we were unsure of where it was going to land.
So, we should pat one another on the back and say…………job well done Robeson County. It just feels good to give
Submitted by Darline Bell-Scott
When we were affected by Hurricane Matthew many Allstar Cheer Gyms reached out to us and sent items to help our
athletes and anyone else in need. We had so much donated we were able to distribute to the housing complex behind our
facility. When saw that Hurricane Harvey ripped through Texas destroying or damaging over 20 All Star gyms we knew
we had to reach out. and We wanted to help and give back as others had done for us. Our athletes collected hygiene prod-
ucts, ponytail holders, cheer bows, cheer practice clothes, gently worn cheer shoes, and even some of our own Cheer Xcel
apparel. Cheer Xcel All Stars owners Darline and Chyna Scott pulled together with their parents and athletes. We got all
the items to be shipped to Texas to help All Stars United for Harvey to help out some of the 20 plus gyms that were affect-
ed. One All Star family helping another All Star family.
Groups Join Forces to Collect for Hurricane Victims
Arrangements to prepare a shipment to Texas have been Please drop items off at 2130 #4 W 5th St., Lumberton.
made through a coordinated effort of the National Associ- Hours of operation are 8:30 am to 4:30pm. The shipment
ation of Christian Churches, the City of Lumberton, and will be transported every two days until otherwise stated.
Robeson County governments. The National Association of Christian Churches that have
assisted our community since Hurricane Matthew in October
Most needed items include diapers, new underwear, per- 2016 with relief and recovery have scheduled transportation
sonal female products, hygiene items, baby products, to ship the items.
dog and cat food, etc. Other items such as non-perishable
foods, water, cleaning supplies, bleach, laundry detergent Contact Linda Oxendine at 910-671-3818 or Veronica Mc-
and clothing are also accepted. Please make sure clothes Cloud at 910-671-3833 to receive additional information.
are clean and place them in trash bags by size and gender The City of Lumberton is still in desperate need of furniture
to assist with ease of distribution. This prevents delay of and furnishings. Please contact Veronica McCloud at 910-
distribution to the survivors. 671-3833 today to help