Page 32 - Robeson Living
P. 32
The Miracle at My Refuge
By Barbara Gola
My story today is about an amazing lady and her non-prof- Ms. Rose came to Lumberton in 2005 and worked as a school
it organization that serves our town and county with her teacher while pursuing her Master’s Degree in Service Agen-
love of God and serving His people. Her name is Rose- cy with a concentration in Counseling at University of NC,
marie Glenn aka Ms. Rose and her organization is My Pembroke. Her teaching job ended, and she went to work
Refuge located on West 5th St in Lumberton. Her Mission at the University as an Academic Advisor which was grant
feeds the homeless and less privileged six days a week funded until September 2010. It was during this time she
plus provides food from her food pantry and clothes to all had a vision from our Lord Jesus Christ telling her to “feed
ages. She along with her helpers are all volunteers and the His people”. In her response to Him, she looked for a job be-
food comes through the organization’s Feeding and Food cause she did not have the money to make the vision a reality.
Pantry Ministries and donations from the public. When she couldn’t find a job, she found herself trusting the
Lord Jesus Christ for all that she needed to make her vision
I met Ms. Rose a few years ago when she came and sat with a reality. Her quote “my faith was as big as a mustard seed”
me during worship service at Antioch Baptist Church. We and in 2011 My Refuge was born. She served her first lunch
got acquainted during the meet and greet at the beginning and dinner on November 2, 2012 and the rest of the story is
of the service and it didn’t take me long at all to realize history in the making.
that she was a very special lady and a dedicated Christian
on a mission. I pledged to her that morning that I would As I write her story tonight, My Refuge is celebrating its 5th
volunteer but it didn’t turn out as I had planned. My in- year in operation celebrating God’s faithfulness. Since 2015
tentions were to go out and help her with the cooking and she has served 79,731 meals to the homeless and less fortu-
serving, but with my husband sick, I couldn’t do that. I nate individuals in our area and 5543 families have received
was determined to keep my promise to help so I teamed groceries from her Food Pantry. The atmosphere at my Ref-
up with my dear friend, Pastor Cindy Faircloth from Fay- uge is always so upbeat and everyone who walks through
etteville and we started collecting and donating food and that door is made to feel so welcome and appreciated. Ms.
necessities to her Mission and we still do and love being a Rose and her volunteers go all out for every person that
small part of it. walks through the door and anyone who needs a meal or her