Page 36 - Harnett Life Summer 2018
P. 36
By Adam Raynor
Are you thinking of retirement or do you have a family
member you will be responsible for helping with real es-
tate matters as they age or pass away? Whether you are
aging or are a family member, taking your home’s future to
heart should be a family matter.
This article will address many aspects that will ease the
burden of preparations to make a home’s value lasting. In
some cases, the home is readily marketable, but some fam- to sell as is or you may desire to make improvements to
ilies may not be prepared for what’s in store should the maximize your return on investment. What if you have an
need arise to decide about selling, renovating or renting abundance of STUFF that you no longer need or want?
their property. As we age, this needs to become a consider- If you are handling a loved one’s estate, how do you deal
ation so the burden is not left to our loved ones. with the personal property in a home that needs to be sold
or rented for income? Enlist the help of estate sale ex-
Making sure a home is well maintained and kept up to date perts for items of value. There are many local companies
is the key to ensuring its optimal value over time. The ul- and individuals that offer this service. They can help price
timate reward of home remodeling is the enjoyment of its items, promote and coordinate the sale and assist in dele-
use. A good rule of thumb is to update on a regular basis. gating any remaining items for removal from the property.
At APW, our motto is, “create a new home one room at a Junk removal companies can be called upon to remove
time”. When updating, seek advice from reputable contrac- items that have become a burden. Also consider selling,
tors and professionals who specialize in the specific project donating or giving away items that are no longer needed.
you want to tackle. Be sure proper permits are obtained
when necessary for any home project. Buyers that are looking for a flip property may welcome a
home that needs some TLC. Homes listed for sale that are
Traditionally, seniors feel like success is measured by in pristine condition have much greater potential to bring
money in the bank, but the investment back into the home more money for the seller with less negotiation. A good
can be tenfold. APW offers in house financing with no in- real estate professional can offer assistance in properly
terest options for up to 24 months. Liquidating assets or pricing and marketing your home. Christie Yarbrough,
obtaining a home equity line of credit may be a good way with Re/Max United is a Harnett county native. Her past
to finance updates or repairs. You may also be able to sell experience in the construction industry and her rapport
items to cover the cost of certain updates or required main- with other local agents, contractors, lenders, and attorneys
tenance. Proper planning will maximize the return on your gives her the edge that makes YOUR experience the best
investment. it can be. Experience matters when hiring a real estate pro-
fessional. A good real estate agent will have a network of
APW flooring offers complete bath and kitchen remodels, experts that can assist with any home selling or buying
all types of flooring, window treatments, painting, and mi- experience. Knowing how to handle and remedy home
nor construction work including porches and decks. Many inspection findings, properly pricing and marketing and
contractors and professional companies can offer turnkey negotiating are the key tasks a real estate agent must be
estimates with a one-stop shopping experience that can proficient in handling. It can be very difficult for home-
create your project from start to finish. If it’s time to sell, owners to negotiate well for themselves when there may
you may be faced with deciding whether to price the home be emotional attachments to a home. A real estate agent