Page 4 - Harnett Life Winter 2018
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Phone: 910-379-8230 Email:
[email protected]
Dear Readers,
We would like to first of all say, Thank you. Thank you for the kind
What a wonderful outpouring of support after the premiere issue of
emails telling us how much you love your Harnett Life Magazine.
Harnett Life Magazine hit the streets!!!! It seems everywhere we went that
Thank you for the emails pointing out our mistakes because without a
people were talking about the articles and the colorful cover.
gentle reminder we could not improve our efforts to give you a better
We appreciate your encouraging words and the many story ideas we have
In this issue we have our Health and Wellness section. We sat down
received. We are making a list for future issues and we encourage you to
with Dr. David Price and discussed his practice and how he got started.
keep emailing us and to keep calling us.
If you haven’t visited his office and met his wonderful staff, make sure
to put it on your to do list when seeking dental health this year. We
have other health articles that you will find interesting and at the same
In this issue, you will see that there is a lot going on in Harnett County.
time educational.
Check out the Calendar of Events to plan your entertainment for the
weeks ahead. There is a lot going on for end of the summer and the
While having lunch one day we met one of the most interesting Harnett
upcoming fall season. If you have events coming up for the remainder of
County residents by the name of Ken Daw. He has traveled the world
the year please email us and we will get them on the Calendar of Events.
and his experiences are fascinating. One of his many talents is Dog
This includes area churches for your special services.
Food Art. You just must read the article without us giving it all away to
Keilah Goff has once again contributed a very informative article for
Don’t forget Valentine’s Day is coming up!!! There are several of our ad-
those interested in dance, art and music. You will not want to miss that!
vertisers that have excellent Valentine’s Day gifts. If you are a baker we
also have put together several recipes that you will want to test. If you
need someone to sample your delicious treats, feel free to call upon
Summer is the time for grilling and we have some great recipes. That also
our staff!!
includes the many ways you can prepare a watermelon!!! Be sure to try
out some of the wonderful recipes we have featured.
We are still searching for people that make a difference in our
wonderful county. Everyone knows that special person that gives of
themselves without expecting anything in return. Maybe someone that
We had the pleasure of sitting down with Fred Sexton from Lillington
has a unique talent or just has the talent of making this world a better
and interviewing him a couple of weeks ago. He has done a lot in his life
place. If so, we want to hear about this person so give us a call or send
and still going strong at the young age of 90!
us an email.
Please tell our advertisers thank you for making YOUR FREE
We would like to thank you for your continued support. Your Harnett
magazine possible. We ask that you support them when shopping,
Life Magazine is free because of our advertisers. Be sure to support them
dining, or seeking services.
and tell them thank you for your free magazine.
Now, sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your Harnett Life
Now, don't forget to slather on the sun screen, don't text and drive, and
be safe as you travel.
As always............thanks for reading!
And as always..............thanks for reading.
The Staff at Harnett Life Magazine
We appreciate your support.
The staff at Harnett Life Magazine. Harnett Life ~ Winter 2018
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