Page 32 - Harnett Life Fall 2018
P. 32

Life With OUr


                   Pet Travel

                By Dr. Janet Batker-
                Lillington Veterinary Hospital & Boarding

          Greetings, pet lovers, from Dr. Jan at Lillington Veterinary   It’s great if you can get a house sitter you trust, but there
          Hospital.  What do you do with your pets when you travel?   are always emergencies that come up, and cost can be an
          Many hotels now welcome well behaved pets if you like to   issue. Traditionally, kennels have provided boarding ser-
          take your pet along. Often RV owners or truck drivers trav-  vices, and some newer ones feature play time and provide
          el with a pet. This takes a little planning, you don’t want   exercise equipment, including pools. We have added space
          to travel with a severely anxious pet or forget important   to our hospital and purchased cat condos that are superior
          items. It’s easier to travel with one who has no medical   housing to the stainless steel confines we used in the past,
          issues; it can be hard to find a temporary veterinary care   no matter how comfy we tried to make them. The cats get
          giver-or act as one. A neighbor is often recruited for a few   to watch videos too, of birds and fish-we have pictures of
          days, and pet sitters who visit the home, walk the dogs,   the cats being VERY attentive to this! Ask for a tour of your
          feed the pets, give cuddle time  and medication  abound.   boarding facility, and may I also suggest it is sometimes
          Some sitters may be bonded, perhaps a member of Pet Sit-  appropriate to give pets drugs for anxiety. We make use
          ters International, and some simply love animals and want   of pheromones to relax our guests. Happy trails, have fun
          to provide a service to the community-since you need to   traveling whether it is with or without your best friend, but
          trust the person entering your home, an interview and a   make preparations to reduce your fears for them when you
          supervised meet and greet with the pet should be arranged.   arrange that trip.
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