Page 6 - Robeson Living Summer 2021
P. 6
Saving Grace Is in A Race to Rescue
Samantha Bennett,
Director Saving Grace Dog Rescue Robeson County
Time and resources are the enemy, but the prize is so worth adoption. There are other rescues that adopt in Robeson so we
it. The reward is healthy, happy dogs and puppies finding a will focus on rescue in order to impact the sheer number of
fur-ever home when they get to the farm at Saving Grace Ani- unwanted animals in this county. One of our main goals will
mals for Adoption (SGAA) in Wake Forest, N.C. That location be spay/neuter services for those in need of help. We envision
is the mother to the new location; Saving Grace Dog Rescue programs to help those who do not qualify for government as-
Robeson County located in Lumberton. sistance but still struggle financially to provide vet care to their
pets. I have said many times and Molly agrees that being poor
Molly Goldston, the founder and CEO of both has been help- or in hardship financially should not negate the right to have
ing save dogs in Robeson and surrounding counties for years. a pet. All of us benefit from the unconditional love of an ani-
With the state’s highest euthanasia rate, Robeson County has mal. They help us mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physi-
no shortage of animals needing help. Molly had envisioned cally. There is a difference between an owner that abuses and
another location for years but needed a local partner to help starves their animal and a pet owner who struggles themselves
her. Molly and I became friends during my time at Robeson but tries to care for their pet to the best of their ability. We see
County Humane Society. We share the same passion for rescue that need and have plans to implement programs to make a
and animal advocacy. Timing is everything and the opportunity difference. This takes help. We encourage community support,
to join as a team in rescue opened as circumstances fell into through donations of money or supplies, and through foster-
place for the new location. We are so excited about the amaz- ing or volunteering. Please contact us for ways to help at rob-
ing things we will do for the animals and people of Robeson [email protected] or on the website @ www.
County! You can also call 910-827-7132. We will
take in dogs/puppies that are not aggressive to humans or other
Saving Grace Dog Rescue is a state licensed 501c3 facility dogs by owner surrender, animal control, or through transfer
with the ability to house dogs/puppies. We are one of only from other rescues.
two in Robeson County who have this distinction. SGAA has
provided medical care, spay/neuter services, and adoption to We are so happy to be here and encourage you to come see
thousands of animals in rural NC, and we will continue to do what we are about. Our location is 273 Kenric Road (the old
so. The Robeson County location will not do adoptions at this Granite & Tile wholesale building) off exit 17 towards Pem-
time but will rescue and vaccinate all the animals we can and broke. Thank you for welcoming us to the community and
transport them to our main facility for medical services and remember, Adopt Don’t Shop!
Robeson Living ~ Summer 2021 Page 6