Page 36 - Robeson Living Summer 2020
P. 36


                STRESS DURING

                                                                                    By Dr. Damon C Blackley, DC

          Our community, state, nation, and world are experiencing
          an event that is almost unprecedented for anyone alive to-  One of the problems with this increased stress is that it will
          day. The global pandemic that is COVID-19 has affected  often manifest itself in a physical way and cause a decline
          all of our lives daily in one way or another. It has changed  in the health of our bodies as well as our mental health. In-
          how we shop, travel, interact with each other, and earn a  creased stress is known to sometimes cause changes or dif-
          living just to name a few. It has closed many small busi-  ficulty sleeping, concentrating and eating. It can also cause
          nesses, some of which will never open again, and our gov-  worsening of chronic or mental health problems.  Sadly it
          ernment has handed out almost more money than is imag-  is also associated with the increased usage of tobacco, alco-
          inable.  It  has also  obviously  affected  those  unfortunate  hol, and other addictive substances.
          enough to contract it or who have had a friend or relative
          become infected.                                      There are several things that you can do at home to alleviate
                                                                stress and improve your health during this difficult time.
          We all know by now many of the practices that the CDC  Try to eat healthy, well balanced meals and avoid excess
          and other organizations have advised that we do that will  snacking. Exercise has been proven to decrease stress so
          help to keep us safe. Most of us have tried to follow those  get outside and go for a run, do yard work, or walk your
          guidelines such as social distancing, frequent handwash-  dog. Make sure to get plenty of sleep which is necessary
          ing, wearing masks, etc. These things will help to prevent  for many biological functions. Connect with your family,
          the spread of COVID-19.  However, what many are not  friends and church or community  groups through social
          talking about are the other things that this pandemic is do-  media or by phone to alleviate feelings of isolation. Most
          ing to our health and the things that we can do to keep  importantly, seek the help of a health care professional if
          ourselves healthy.                                    you feel ill or have overwhelming feelings of stress or anx-
          One of the often overlooked problems caused by COVID-19
          is the additional stress that it places all of us under. This  We are all in this together, so let’s try to help out our friends,
          can come in many forms. The most obvious is the fear and  family, and neighbors. Provide support for those that need it
          anxiety about our own health and that of loved ones. There  if you are able and reach out for help if you are struggling.
          is also the worry of losing one’s job and not being able to  Do your part to keep yourself and those around you healthy
          provide for our families. Social distancing can also cause  and we will come through the other side of this pandemic
          people additional  stress due to feelings of isolation  and  stronger. Contact the doctors at Beck & Blackley Chiro-
          loneliness.   Pre-existing  medical  conditions,  disabilities,  practic Clinic if you have any questions or would like to
          caring for children or the elderly, and a whole host of other  talk about your health related issues.
          things not mentioned can all add to a person’s stress.
          Page 36                                                                   Robeson Living ~ Summer 2020
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