Page 14 - Robeson Living Summer 2020
P. 14
By Samantha Bennett
Executive Director, Robeson County
Humane Society
Adopt Don’t Shop...
For Your Next Fur-ever
They say love can’t be bought, and in most circumstanc- ion then look no further than your local rescue. I myself am
es, I would agree with that philosophy. In the case of pet partial to the Robeson County Humane Society. We have
adoption, I will make an exception. beautiful, sweet, fur-babies that are eagerly waiting for a
loving family to take them home. They come here for all
When you adopt a pet, you are saving a life, sometimes sorts of reasons. Maybe the owner is moving, being de-
several, and gaining a lifetime companion. Adopting a ployed, has died, or is too sick to provide care for their pet.
pet provides a home, healthcare, and love to an animal in Sometimes it is from a cruelty or abuse situation. Occa-
need. It frees a spot for another to takes its place as it too sionally it is because of the puppy mill horrors mentioned
waits for his/her human to come along. previously. In Robeson County it is often due to a lack of
spay/neuter of pets who keep having litters.
Adoption also makes a dent in the puppy mill industry
where animals are bred constantly in sometimes cruel, Regardless of how they get here, every animal that comes
filthy conditions. When they can no longer breed the ani- in our doors receives love, vet care, food, and shelter until
mal is killed and tossed out like garbage or dumped alive a great home is found for them. It is done at a cost. We
to fend for itself. The puppies from these facilities are of- receive no government or state funding. We are not sup-
ten sickly and may have genetic issues. Think long and ported by the U.S. Humane Society as some assume. We
hard before you purchase a pet from someone who breeds survive entirely on donations, grants, private endowments,
animals this way. While it is true that there are reputable and individual support. Basically, we depend on all of you
breeders of specific breeds and there is an important place to help us help them. Covid-19 has affected everyone. It
for breeders who keep specific breeds from becoming ex- has especially hit non-profits like us. Every penny counts.
tinct; the vast majority of backyard breeders are interested Some think adoption fees are high. Our adoption fees do
in quick money accomplished through volume. If a deal not even cover the food, shelter, and staff costs associated
on an animal seems too good to be true, it is. Reputable with caring for the animal until it goes home. The fee never
breeders know that their animals can command top prices. even gets to the vet costs or vaccines provided. We need all
The animals are registered, have vet records that prove of you. Either through donations, volunteer hours, fosters,
medical care, are kept in pristine conditions, and receive or as adopters.
love and socialization. If a specific breed is what you
desire, then make sure you seek out a reputable breeder. When adopting a pet, you get priceless, lifetime love…at
a bargain.
If your main goal is a wonderful, loving family compan-
Page 14 Robeson Living ~ Summer 2020