Page 73 - Robeson Living Summer 2019
P. 73
hand, but this usually isn’t possible, so they introduce
themselves when they arrive. “Most people don’t really
know we’re out here yet,” she said, so explaining to the
new congregations who they are and what they do is a
way to bring community awareness to the Teen Challenge
Members from the congregation of these churches some-
times volunteer at the facility, doing devotions with the
students, and different pastors from the surrounding area
come in to lead chapel services. The students’ schedule
also includes a weekly visit from Mrs. Wanda, a volun-
teer from Raleigh who comes in to do arts and crafts on
Tuesday afternoons. People who are able to volunteer
their time provide an invaluable service, but the program
welcomes monetary and tangible donations as well. Mon-
etary donations can be made online via the Facebook page
or website (, or with a
check in the mail. Monthly sponsorships are an alternative
way to contribute; monthly donations go towards support-
ing new participants or current participants who are un-
able to support their stay.
hand, but this usually isn’t possible, so they introduce Horton is an advocate of the Bible based course of study
themselves when they arrive. “Most people don’t really within the Teen Challenge program because as a partici-
know we’re out here yet,” she said, so explaining to the pant in 2015, having previously been to 12 different secu-
new congregations who they are and what they do is a lar rehabilitation facilities to no avail, she said Bible study
way to bring community awareness to the Teen Challenge was the one thing that worked for her and the Bible teach-
program. ings were something the previous facilities did not offer.
Members from the congregation of these churches some- “The one thing I found that helped me here… here, it
times volunteer at the facility, doing devotions with the taught you the truth. It tells you that you’re a new creation,
students, and different pastors from the surrounding area the old is gone the new has come.” The long-term pro-
come in to lead chapel services. The students’ schedule gram was beneficial to her because “I got to really walk
also includes a weekly visit from Mrs. Wanda, a volun- through my emotions and my feelings.” She learned that
teer from Raleigh who comes in to do arts and crafts on “the [drug] use was not the solution,” and coming to this
Tuesday afternoons. People who are able to volunteer conclusion was something she would not have had time
their time provide an invaluable service, but the program to do in a short-term secular rehab. “It taught me how to
welcomes monetary and tangible donations as well. Mon- walk this new life of recovery.” She said, “the Bible teach-
etary donations can be made online via the Facebook page es you to look past your mistakes and look to the future,”
or website (, or with a and she wants the students to know that their past doesn’t
check in the mail. Monthly sponsorships are an alternative define them. The program is relatable, she said, because
way to contribute; monthly donations go towards support- “once you get that relationship with God and start to walk
ing new participants or current participants who are un- in His love …you have people who are walking it with
able to support their stay. you, who are right where you are in that moment. You
realize you are not alone.”
Horton is an advocate of the Bible based course of study
within the Teen Challenge program because as a partici-
pant in 2015, having previously been to 12 different secu-
lar rehabilitation facilities to no avail, she said Bible study
was the one thing that worked for her and the Bible teach-
ings were something the previous facilities did not offer.
“The one thing I found that helped me here… here, it
taught you the truth. It tells you that you’re a new creation,
the old is gone the new has come.” The long-term pro-
gram was beneficial to her because “I got to really walk
310 Copart Road, Dunn, NC 28334 Phone 910-891-1252
through my emotions and my feelings.” She learned that
“the [drug] use was not the solution,” and coming to this
conclusion was something she would not have had time
to do in a short-term secular rehab. “It taught me how to
walk this new life of recovery.” She said, “the Bible teach- SELL US
es you to look past your mistakes and look to the future,”
and she wants the students to know that their past doesn’t YOUR
define them. The program is relatable, she said, because
“once you get that relationship with God and start to walk VEHICLE
in His love …you have people who are walking it with
you, who are right where you are in that moment. You We will buy it
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