Page 58 - Robeson Living Summer 2019
P. 58
A Time to
Go Home
By Pastor Charles P. Locklear
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and
the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
As July approaches every year, there is a sense of excite- the Blue Ridge Mountains and back to work, as Lumbee’s
ment and anticipation that settles over Robeson County plan the balance of the summer schedule. It does not mean
North Carolina. The highways and billboards declare that we cease to be Lumbee or that we suddenly lose our sense
the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina will once again be cel- of pride in the people God has chosen us to be. It simply
ebrating Lumbee Homecoming. Cars with out-of-state tags means that life is a bigger celebration than a single week
will appear in the neighborhood. Strange sounding voices can produce.
will be heard in local restaurants. Churches will recognize
folks who have traveled home to join the local families in One of the strengths of the Lumbee People has been their
this season of food, fellowship and faith. It is a wonderful faith in the Creator. Their struggles and challenges have
time of the year for Lumbee’s and their friends. It would been met with the confidence that the God of the Bible has a
be difficult to be in Robeson County and not be aware that vital interest in who we are and what our place in the world
something very important was taking place the week of the involves. The church has always been the hub of the vari-
4th of July. While the Homecoming is celebrated in vari- ous communities. Community leaders were often the church
ous ways and in various places, there is a week of orga- leaders as well. The Christian faith, that has been among us
nized activities in the Town of Pembroke. Long before the for centuries, teaches us that we all have value. Our Faith
annual parade on Saturday, vendors selling native craft and recognizes the value and necessity of the Bible as the only
food line the streets of Pembroke and beckon Lumbee’s to guide to daily living and the source of hope for the world
come and get the celebrated collard sandwich and perhaps beyond this life.
a dreamcatcher as well. It’s a long-standing tradition. It’s a
noble celebration. And there is something for everybody to There tugs at the heart of all true believers this longing to
participate in. Lumbee’s welcome their non-native friends share in the Homecoming in the sky, at which time folks
to join them in every activity. from every Tribe, Nation and tongue, who have confessed
their faith in the Risen Lord will be gathered into one place,
After the weekend of the Parade, the cars with the strange not for a week, or a season, but for all eternity. The celebra-
tags will disappear. Those strange talking brown people tion will never end. The fellowship will never be hindered,
from out of town will return to their homes in other plac- and the Joy and expectation will never be diminished. We
es. The vendors will pack up their goods and move to the sometimes experience a taste of what that celebration will
next festival and the collard industry will breathe a sigh be like, but we can never know it in its fullness until we go
of relief. The excitement and anticipation will slowly but home.
surely be replaced with the thoughts of Myrtle Beach and
Page 58 Robeson Living Summer 2019