Page 39 - Robeson Living Summer 2019
P. 39

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        Junior Miss Lumbee


        One year ago today, my dream of       Kerigahn, or as I like to call you, my fellow
        being Jr. Miss Lumbee became a        songbird-thank you for all of the laughs you have
                                              given me this year. I enjoyed every moment we
        reality.                              were on Instagram or Facebook live, singing our
        First, I would like to start off by thanking my Lord  hearts out. Thanks for letting me practice my
        and Savior Jesus Christ. It is because of you that  makeup on you always and for lifting me up when
        I am able to live every day, certain that you are  I was down. I truly love you!
        near me and protecting me always.     Lyndsey, the mother figure of our group, I could
        Momma, my “A1-day 1” the biggest thank you  write a whole story about why I love you, but, for
        goes to you. First, I would like to thank you for  the sake of time, I have decided to keep it short.
        always being so open-minded and for pushing  As the only dancer in our group, I know you got
        me beyond my limits when I told you I wanted to  tired of singing with us, but you eventually got
        be  Jr.  Miss  Lumbee.  I  know  driving  me  used to it. A huge thank you goes to you for our
        everywhere got tiring, but you did it without  car jams, you listening to my endless rants, and
        complaining, I love you. Thank you for always  deep talks throughout this year. You have taught
        supporting me in everything I do!     me to persevere , and, for that, I love you.
        Daddy, thank you for being the best parade driver  Mrs. Wanda, our Senior Miss this year, thank you  Mr. Howard Richardson and Mrs. Hillary Scott-
        ever. I know you were always busy with work, but  for always reminding me of God’s love for me. I’m  Cross, all your beautiful beadwork this year was
        I want to thank you for taking time out of your  grateful you got to be our Senior Miss this year.  much appreciated. Mrs. Ranessa and Ms. Chris,
        busy schedule to come support me. I love you  To Mrs. Kelly and Mr. Bobby deal, this year surely  thank you for the beautiful regalia you made for
        always. Ayanna, thank you for always letting me  wouldn’t have been the same without you guys.  me this year.
        know your opinion on a dress or even on what I  Thank you for picking me up if I ever needed it.  Mrs. Millicent, I am so grateful for teaching me all
        was doing. I know sometimes picking me up and  To Ms. Wanetta, thank you for always lightening  the powwow etiquette I needed to know this year.
        driving me around places got tiring, but you did it  the mood when you came around and for making  To the best voice coach ever, Mrs. Shannon,
        anyway. I love you.                   me laugh when I needed it.             thank you for all your help. Mr. Bryan, thank you
        Alena, for all the times I asked “Can you take this  To Mrs. Karen and Mr. Eric, thank you for always  for being a great pageant coach.
        picture for me?” I’d truly like to say thank you.  welcoming me into your home (and mostly your  To all my sponsors, your support of me and my
        Also, for all the times we stayed up talking about  pantry and fridge) and for always asking “Would  dream of being Jr. Miss Lumbee has meant the
        what we are going to be or what we are going to  you like anything to eat?” Mrs. Celeste and  world to me.
        do in the future. I don’t tell you often but, I love  Mahlea, thank you for never failing to be there for
        you sister.                           me and for helping me before and during my  Mrs. Belinda, thank you for always being a
                                                                                     helping hand and for being so giving.
        Austin, or as I call you often Curt-thank you for  reign. You two truly have hearts of Gold.
        always being just the thing I need to make me  Grandma Sherlene and Papa Bracy, thank you for  Kaya, your beautiful esganye was a true gift. I
        happy. I loved every single nerf gun war and  never failing to come through with the best pastry  loved every opportunity I got to sing your song.
        “battle” that we’ve had this year. I love you Little  and field peas ever. I love you both. Caleb, my  Aunt Kim, thank you for being gracious enough to
        Man. To my best friend, my backbone, I thank  favorite cousin, thank you for always being down  help me make sure my farewell speech was
        God that you are in my life I honestly don’t know  to stay up late with me (no matter how tired you  perfect.
        what I would have done without you this year.  were at times) love you! Aunt Connie, thank you  To my successor, may you wear your crown with
        Thank you for sticking with me through thick and  for supporting me in everything I do.  not only beauty, but with dignity and grace.
        thin. I love you, Layanna.                                                   Remember to always make the most out of every
                                              Grandma Cathy, thank you for everything you’ve  little moment because, before you know it, it will
        To my Madison, thank you for always making me  ever done for me. Whether it was teaching me  all be over.
        laugh in class and also, for accepting my MAJOR  piano, or playing it while I sing, or even making
        Kit-Kat obsession. I love you Girly.  your delicious creamed potatoes, I can say, every  It has been a great honor to hold the coveted
        To my friend group, thank you for being the best  step of the way, you were there, and I love you.  title of Jr. Miss Lumbee and to serve my people
                                                                                     throughout this past year. It has been an
        support system throughout this year. I love you  Aunt Alicia, for all the times you played the piano  experience  that  I  will  never  forget,  and  I  will
        guys! To my queens: I would first like to say that I  for me while I sang, and for always being there for  forever be a better version of myself because
        know we were truly meant to be together and that  me, thank you. I love you.  of it. For the last time, I am Junior Miss Lumbee
        my year wouldn’t have been the same with any  I would like to say thank you to the Prospect  2018-2019 Ashtyn Skye Thomas.
        other court.                          School staff and my teachers for always being so
        Keely, thank you for being my little sidekick  understanding and allowing me to make-up work.
        wherever we went. Throughout this year, you  Speaking of Prospect School staff, there is
        have always been the little ball of energy that I  someone that I would like to mention which is
        needed to brighten my days. If there is one thing  Mrs. Tara Lowry. Thank you for always being so
        I learned about you this year it is that you know  gracious. Marcus, this year wouldn’t have been
        everything there is to know about slime. I would  the same without you by my side and supporting  Ashtyn Skye Thomas
        not have wanted another Little Miss by my side.  me always.                  Junior Miss Lumbee 2018-2019
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