Page 8 - Robeson Living Holiday 2018
P. 8
The Wonder of the Nativity
Friday, December 7, 2018: 11 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday, December 8, 2018: 11 am – 2:00 pm
Chestnut Street United Methodist Church is pleased to pres- marble, ebony, stained glass, Paper Mache, seashells, dish
ent its fifth annual Nativity exhibit on December 7 and 8. detergent bottles, feathers, nails, punched tin, ceramics
This display of 25 – 30 unique Nativity sets is open to the and blown eggshells. Some sets have been small enough
public and there is no charge. to hold in the palm of your hand and one had 150 pieces.
The Nativities will be on display in the church sanctuary. During the Friday evening candlelight display, seasonal
Individuals from Lumberton and surrounding communities music will be provided by Belle Venti and Purple Door
share their collections for this event. Nativities are unique Carolers.
and come with fascinating stories. Some are passed down
through families, purchased on trips abroad, purchased one From the humblest to the most elaborate, each Nativity
piece at a time over many years or handmade by the owner, separately, and all collected together, remind us of the true
and each Nativity reflects its own beauty and meaning. glory of the season. You are invited to come and spend
some time in a beautiful setting, reflecting on the Christ-
Nativities that have been on display have been made from mas season.