Page 7 - Harnett Life Winter 2020
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A few customers’ vans waiting for restoration or service. The burgundy van is owned by a family from Tennessee, they
          have two 4x4 vans that TW has maintained for years. Pickup day is always a bit of a party.The white van is number
          two of three vans TW has done for a another wonderful couple in NC. The blue one is another NC Syncro 4x4 waiting
                              for service. The last is a TW Westy that may be up for sale in the spring.

      Got Fahrvergnügen? In other words, driving enjoyment? Ac-  transition to Dunn. “The building is large and perfect for the
      cording to one of the largest and most successful automak-  shop, and the location is great, too. I like being close to High-
      ers in the world, the German-owned Volkswagen Group, “it’s   way 40 and I-95 — we’re easily accessible here. I commute
      what makes a car a Volkswagen.” While known for its iconic   from Apex, which is about 40 minutes on the back roads. I
      cars and clever slogans — the Beetle, Think Small and much   have a nice country drive down Old Stage Road.”
      more — the manufacturer is equally famous for its large people
      movers from decades past. And thanks to the Dunn opening   True to form, the immense 12,500 square-foot property, for-
      of the  25-year-old original-to-Raleigh  company,  Transporter   merly filled with antique wares, vintage finds and the standard-
      Werks, at 102 W. Divine Street, the blast-from-the-past vintage   bearer of all sodas, still today contains classics — those from
      vehicles now have a presence in Harnett County.            the wheeling world. Previously an admitted “car guy” with a
                                                                 background in drag and autocross racing as well as air-cooled
      Owner  and CEO Sean Fraser purchased the building, better   mechanics, Fraser has for a decade driven a 1991 VW Vanagon
      known as the former home of Sunrise Antiques and circa 1920   camper — yep, a van.
      Coca Cola Bottling Plant, back in the fall of 2019. He moved
      operations to Dunn, he said, to gain space and pull away from   “I was a car guy for a long time,” he explained. “But always a
      an area in Raleigh the company “was being squeezed out of”   Volkswagen guy.” His loyalty to the maker dates back to 1986
      due to construction and sprawl. A year later, he and his five   when he bought his first VW — a 1969 auto-stick. Enthusiasm
      employees are settling in to their new location.           and finances led to self-taught motor skills, noting he had been
                                                                 working on his own cars since learning “to hold a wrench.”
      “We are very happy to be here,” said Fraser, speaking of the   The life-long passion led to the launch of Transporter Werks

      Harnett Life ~ Winter 2020                                                                                 Page 7
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