Page 51 - Harnett Life Winter 2019
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Holiday Campaign, Don’t Gain
pounds every holiday season. Here are a few tips to help
you avoid those extra pounds:
1. Consider alternative exercises for the winter season.
Try online dance or exercise videos.
2. Dress in layers during cold weather. Use a flashlight for
walking during those evenings when you arrive home after
3. Start your day with a nutritious and filling breakfast.
Try steel cut oats, fresh fruit and yogurt, or whole-grain
olive oil toast topped with avocado slices.
4. Grab a friend or family member and sign up for a dance
or exercise class. You can motivate each other and build
positive relationships.
5. Mornings can be tough. Try going to bed 30 minutes
earlier and then wake up 30 minutes earlier. Ensure you
get enough sleep for a productive day. Have a special
coffee or tea as something you look forward to in the
mornings. Lay out your workout clothes the night before
Weight loss and good health – the struggle and cravings to make the morning routine a little smoother.
are real! Though I have battled weight gain most of my 6. Sugar is addictive and increases cravings. Drink less
adult life, I have also learned to balance food and phys- of the sugary drinks. Try desserts with less added sugar.
ical activity decisions. I love gardening, so that’s where Enjoy desserts in moderation and be mindful of your total
I get most of my physical activity. I absolutely love sugar intake. A little dark chocolate with fruit and nuts
preparing and eating food. Sometimes I choose foods that instead of candy can hit the spot.
are not the best for me. I try to balance those poor choic- 7. Spice up your snacks. Try healthy homemade popcorn
es with healthy ones. Why should I? Obesity can lead to with olive oil and your favorite spice blend. Make your
increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some can- own taco seasoning as a way to reduce added salt.
cers as well as healthcare costs associated with decreased 8. Sneak in exercise throughout the day. Take a quick
quality of life. I want to enjoy life with my family, so this walk around the office or house. Take the stairs instead
makes sense to me. of the elevator. Try a new chair exercise. Do arm cir-
cles while copies are printing. Stretch a little each hour.
What works for me may not work for you. Sometimes, Studies show we are more productive when we take little
other life struggles can take priority over making healthy active breaks.
decisions. I have a few acquaintances who have each 9. Make your holiday gatherings focused on fun rather
created their own pathway to better health. One walks a than food. Play inexpensive games like charades or watch
lot, counts calories and activity, limits sugar, and explores a classic holiday movie.
cooking healthy and delicious food. Another eats lots of
vegetables, protein, and mostly healthy fats while keep- Create a family holiday campaign to eat healthy and not
ing carbs to a minimum. Another works out regularly and gain weight. Substitute those heavy fat or sugar-laden
eats healthy more times than not. All have lost weight and foods with healthier versions. Focus on relationships and
look fabulous! Research provides ideas as to what works fun. You will feel better and save in healthcare expenses.
best, but each individual must determine what works best For more information on any food-related topics, contact
for him or her. Janice Fields, Extension Family and Consumer Scienc-
es Agent, with North Carolina Cooperative Extension,
Wherever you are in life, the holidays come and go, as do Robeson County Center, at (910) 671-3276, by E-mail at
those events with extra calories, fats and refined carbo- [email protected].
hydrates. If we are not careful, we can easily add 5-7
Page 51 Harnett Life ~ Winter 2019