Page 20 - Harnett Life Winter 2019
P. 20
Impactful Gift Giving
Shea Ann DeJarnette,
Extension 4-H Youth Development Agent
We touched on the medical industry. Baby Boomers and
Generation-X’ers are aging and living longer. As a result,
senior caregiving is becoming a more lucrative business as
folks want to stay home but often need more help. Senior
care, and medical care overall, will remain a constant career
path. The child who loves taking care of their baby dolls
and stuffed animals, maybe has a toy doctor kit, or is the
ultimate winner at the game Operation - ask yourself, are
they the caregivers of our future?
Speaking of living longer…it is true there is a trend to liv-
ing longer, and part of that is due to our change in eating
I don’t know a parent alive who doesn’t want to make the habits and consuming a fresher, healthier diet. That diet
holidays special for their children. Often that means a can’t happen without farmers. Farming today is not like
combination of things such as spending extra time togeth- you remember it. Along with tons of licenses, education,
er, taking part in family traditions, food, and, of course, and financial management needed, technology is changing
gift giving. Sometimes budget dictates the gifts. Other some of the hard-labor chores of the past by streamlining
times a child’s letters to Santa or whatever the latest craze operations such as soil moisture reports and determining
in toys or clothing might be helps determine what goes un- crop yields (thanks to drones) in advance. Also, you have
der the tree. This year, what about adding a new category, to think that the average age of a farmer in Robeson County
like gifts to help determine their future career? is 60 years old. It’s time to start getting younger folks who
like digging in the dirt and growing things, such as crops or
That might seem like a tall order, guiding youth towards a animals, into this industry to learn lessons from seasoned
career when they are 8, 9, or 10 years old. Actually, this farmers and preserve our food chain. For Christmas, these
is a great time to help them determine what they are good children may like to get seeds, hydroponic gardens, or other
at, what they love, and what could allow them to have a growing opportunities to see how it all works together.
dependable career in the future. I realize you don’t have a
crystal ball, and the career world is changing fast out there, Whatever gifts you give, you can’t go wrong with items that
but here are some careers (and toys) that may help them encourage youth to explore the world, ask questions, and
determine what they want to be and have natural talents figure out exactly what they like. After all, what greater
for as you help guide them in becoming successful adults. gift can you give a child than a chance to figure out who
they will be?
Did you know that in the next five years it is estimated
there will be more than 225,000 careers associated with For more information, contact Shea Ann DeJarnette, Exten-
the drone industry? Talk about growth potential! Toy sion 4-H Youth Development Agent with North Carolina
drones are available everywhere, and you can create chal- Cooperative Extension, Robeson County Center, at 671-
lenges for youth who like to fly them. For those who like 3276, or by E-mail at [email protected].
to code, being able to read maps and quickly set codes for NC State University and N.C. A&T State University are
drones or other robotic technologies is going to be key in collectively committed to positive action to secure equal
these industries. Drones and other robotic technologies opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment re-
have limitless potential such as military, agriculture, and gardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status,
retail openings. Robotics are already in industry, medical, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, politi-
and retail settings, and individuals are needed to improve cal beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual
and maintain the technology. Both are wide open fields. orientation, and veteran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooper-
Page 20 ating. Harnett Life ~ Winter 2019