Page 14 - Harnett Life Winter 2019
P. 14
Caring for Pets this Winter
By Dr. Janet Batker-
Lillington Veterinary Hospital & Boarding
Greetings animal lovers, this fall we had our wonderful enough space, proper facilities and companionship. This is
state fair and on exhibit were many of the farm animals a great recipe for continuing to enjoy the company of our
we are familiar with; they were some of the most beautiful domesticated animals so let’s shop and buy humanely and
and well cared for in our state! The 4-H’ers and showmen apply these rules to our pets, as well as to captive wildlife;
really become attached to their cows, pigs, sheep, goats, I suspect all of us want to enjoy these freedoms as well.
chickens and rabbits.
It’s time to prepare for the cold that arrives this winter, and
Viewing the animals that give so much to us, reminded our pets and farm animals need to be provided with ade-
me that there are guidelines for animal care, called the quate shelter and warmth. Be conscious that snow, sleet
five freedoms of animals, adopted from the Farm Animal and cold rain can chill very young and older animals more
Welfare Council of the United Kingdom; failure to provide quickly, and with greater harm, than others, and put booties
any of these freedoms constitutes animal suffering, which on dogs that must walk in the slush created by the chemi-
should concern all of us. The freedoms are: Freedom from cals we put down to melt snow and ice. My son just built a
hunger and thirst, with access to proper nutrition. Freedom new door on a shed to protect his friend’s little goats from
from discomfort, by providing shelter and a comfortable the wind and rain, and today a local upholsterer was mak-
resting area. Freedom from pain, injury and disease, giving ing beds for the outside dog her neighbor has-because she
these problems prompt attention. Freedom from fear and worries about him. Stories like this warm our hearts. Peo-
stress by ensuring conditions that avoid mental suffering, ple have an amazing protective instinct towards animals,
and the freedom to express normal behavior by providing and this is the time of year they need our help the most.
Happy holidays.
Page 14 Harnett Life ~ Winter 2019