Page 6 - Harnett Life Summer 2021
P. 6
The Cobles Create Exciting
Waves in Harnett County
A trio of campers train at Coble Water Ski & Wakeboard Camp By Crissy Neville
With the magic words, “My favorite food is pizza,” instruc- eryone out this way and do not let anyone fully stand, whether
tion credited with 100% success in 27 years and the award- first on land or next in the water with a coach until they say the
winning, watersport-professional Coble family of Lillington word ‘pizza’ so that the boat has the chance to go ahead and get
on your side, water skiing can be in your future. No matter the skier on a plane where it is less slippery. That five-second
if you are 2 or 92, male or female, swimmer or nonswimmer, count is a key element.”
competitor or hobbyist ― if you have the desire to water ski,
wakeboard or wake surf, the circa 1995 Coble Ski School is Another vital part of the equation is the teachers. And with the
your connecting hub in Harnett County. Coble family, who collectively have over 100 years of com-
bined water skiing and coaching experience and water sports
The school, located at 60 Coble Ski Estate just outside of Lil- tenure since the 1970s, students are getting the best of the best.
lington’s town limits, is home to the Coble Water Ski and Wa-
terboard Camp, the world’s largest and most comprehensive April is a 2020 USA Hall of Fame inductee, an honor she de-
water ski and wakeboard-specific camp. The site features 300 scribes as a “holistic win because (to get there) you have to
acres of natural countryside and 10 lakes formerly mined for have been ranked #1 in the world and to have won 30 national
sand and gravel, each about 2400 feet long and perfect for ski- titles.” These achievements she garnered over her years of wa-
ing. terskiing ― which began at age 3.
The pizza thing? That saying, according to Head Coach April Under the sponsorship of MasterCraft and HO and through a
Coble Eller, who owns the camp along with her husband Chris lifetime of work and dedication, April’s impressive water ski
Eller, is a little ditty they teach new skiers to say as they master resume touts 30-plus national titles, including being named
the art of getting up on skis. the 2017 and 2015 World Slalom Champion, the 2010 Mali-
bu Open Slalom Champion, the 2008 World Water Ski Team
She explained, “We start students out on land, sitting prone Champion and a U.S. Masters Overall Champion. Named USA
and standing slowly as they say those five words. We start ev- Water Ski Athlete of the Year two times, USA Water Ski Coach
Page 6 Harnett Life ~ Summer 2021