Page 9 - Harnett Life Summer 2020
P. 9

Students from Cape Fear Christian Academy: First row (l to r) Kanyon Tyner, Harper Stewart, Savanna Rumberger, and
                     Gus Adams. Second row (l to r) Reid Miller, Sila Tako, Milos Prodanovic, Paul Tako and Dylan Johnson.

       found I could do well with this. It is fun, and let me tell you,”
       she quipped, “if I can do this, anyone can.”

       The Harnett County Barn Quilt and History Trail is spreading
       art, culture and education across the county even in its infan-
       cy, but don’t overlook the enthusiasm and energy driving that
       train, namely from its supporters.

       “We plan to show  off our countryside,” she said. “Harnett
       County is a pretty place with a variety of landscapes and his-
       torical places. The Barn Quilt/History Trail will showcase all
       of that and more.”

       Dr. Marshbanks echoed Stevens’ excitement. “I am happy for
       the increase in tourism and of interest in the arts the barn quilt
       trail will bring to the county. Everyone is invited to come out
       to see our barns, buildings, history and art.”

                                                                                                  Your Shop For All
                                                                                                    Things Unique
                                                                                              We carry local pottery, barn
                                                                                              quilts from Cherry Devane,
                                                                                               stained glass, and more.

                                                                     Elizabeth’s Boutique, a toy store, baby, home
                                                                                  decor and much more
                                                                           816 S. Main Street • Lillington   HOURS:
                                                                                T-F 11-5
                                                                            Follow us FB & IG @bhiveonmain   Sat 10-4
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