Page 38 - Harnett Life Summer 2020
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          of Oz . Join us for this FREE, family-friendly event to   ond 2020 Dunn Chamber Concert Series is set  continuing
          include DJ Butch Halpin of Carolina Sounds, Sybil the   the series with a concert by The Tonez.  Join us for this
          Clown providing Face  Painting  and  Balloons,  and  con-  FREE, family-friendly  event to include  DJ Butch Halpin
          cessions including Sisters II Ice Cream and more.  NEW   of Carolina Sounds, Sybil the Clown providing Face Paint-
          LOCATION - all concerts will now be at the Dunn Shrine   ing and Balloons, and concessions including Sisters II Ice
          Center, located at 211 N. Clinton Ave., in Dunn. Outside   Cream and more.  NEW LOCATION - all concerts will
          in the parking lot, inside for inclement weather. This event   now be at the Dunn Shrine Center, located at 211 N. Clinton
          is open to the public and everyone is encouraged to bring   Ave., in Dunn. Outside in the parking lot, inside for inclem-
          lawn chairs - when outside (chairs not allowed inside).    ent weather. This event is open to the public and everyone is
          For more information call the Dunn Chamber 910-892-   encouraged to bring lawn chairs - when outside (chairs not
          4113                                                  allowed inside).

          October  20th  -  Dunn  Chamber  Oyster  Roast  2020,   November  7th  -  NC  Cotton  Festival,  Held  annually  in
          5pm-7pm at Bleecker Chevrolet. Tickets are $50 per per-  Dunn the first weekend in November. The festival’s goal is
          son. Dunn Chamber 910-892-4113                        to bring recognition to one of North Carolina’s prime agri-
                                                                cultural products “cotton,” and through this process attract
          October 22nd - Dunn Chamber Concert Series present-   people to Dunn’s downtown. We have entertainment on 2
          ed by Dunn Area Tourism Authority.  6pm-9pm, The sec-  stages, food and craft vendors, Kiddie Land for the children,

             AWNINGS : Fabric & Metal - Standing Seam - Canopies

            SIGNAGE: Channel Letters - Digital LED Signs - Cabinet
             Signs - Church Signs - School Signs - LED Conversions

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                                                                       Call us for a free risk assessment!

                 Installations, Crane Service, Surveys & Permits!             800-849-8032
                         UL Listed & Fully Insured!

             2785 US Hwy. 301 N, Dunn, NC 28334              
                        Phone 910-892-5900                          Serving Dunn and Harnett County since 1952!
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