Page 47 - Harnett Life Spring 2021
P. 47

Tuscan Chicken Pierogy Skillet

      Prep time: 10 minutes                                      Boil pierogies according to package directions. Drain then toss
      Total time: 45 minutes                                     pierogies with 1 tablespoon olive oil to keep from sticking.
      Servings: 4
                                                                 In 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon
      1       box Mrs. T’s Pierogies 4 Cheese Medley             oil. Season chicken with salt and pepper, to taste, and cook
      3       tablespoons olive oil, divided                     8-10 minutes per side, until golden brown and cooked through.
      2       boneless, skinless chicken breasts, pounded to even       Transfer to plate, cover and allow to rest 5-8 minutes. Slice
                   thickness                                     thin.
      kosher salt, to taste
      ground black pepper, to taste                              While chicken rests, lower heat to medium-low and add re-
      4       cloves garlic, minced                              maining oil to same skillet. Add garlic, spinach and tomatoes;
      1       bag (5 ounces) fresh baby spinach                  saute 1-2 minutes until garlic is fragrant. Season with Italian
      2       cups diced tomatoes                                seasoning and salt and pepper, to taste.
      1       teaspoon dried Italian seasoning
      1/4     cup chicken broth                                  Stir in chicken broth, heavy cream and 3/4 cup Parmesan. In
      1/2     cup heavy cream                                    small bowl, whisk cold water and cornstarch then stir into pan.
      3/4     cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus additional,    Simmer 4-5 minutes until thickened and creamy.
                   for garnish
      1       tablespoon cold water                              Return chicken and pierogies to skillet and toss to combine. If
      1/2     tablespoon cornstarch                              desired, top with additional seasonings, to taste. Garnish with
      fresh basil, for garnish                                   fresh basil, Parmesan and red pepper flakes, if desired.
      crushed red pepper flakes, for garnish

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