Page 24 - Harnett Life Spring 2021
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Students who already received the COVID-19 vaccine and are completing 4th year rotations in the same
clinical regions gathered in groups to celebrate.
Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic to overcome to achieve this success, our celebration today is
Medicine faculty and staff recently gathered virtually to cel- meaningful in a way unique from all other years.”
ebrate National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Match
Day with the Class of 2021. The virtual event included the The annual Match Day is the third Friday in March when
tradition of students sharing their residency Match by writing medical students and residents across the country who applied
it on commemorative “I Matched” signs, and they shared live through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) find
on the virtual celebration as well as by sharing their photos and out where they will continue their medical training. Students
videos on @campbell__med social media. pursuing urology, ophthalmology or a military match found out
their results over the past few months.
“A year ago, Match Day was the first school event that transi-
tioned to a virtual celebration seemingly overnight,” reflected “Match Day is incredible,” Dr. Mark Hammond, provost of
Dr. David Tolentino, associate dean for clinical affairs. “While Campbell University affirmed to the participants during the
we hoped to be back together in person this year at Levine virtual celebration. “When I welcomed you at your orienta-
Hall, the joy of seeing our students celebrate with their loved tion, and I said to you ‘what a challenging road you have ahead
ones all across the country and our excitement for their future of you’ – who could have ever imagined we would have a glob-
is just as deep. Given the hurdles of COVID-19 this class had al pandemic as part of your medical education and experience!
Page 24 Harnett Life ~ Spring 2021