Page 49 - Harnett Life Winter 2020
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time each day to relaxation, meditation or another activity like
reading or yoga that can help you free your mind.
Practice effective communication. Voicing your concerns
to loved ones and talking openly with your medical team can
have a profound impact on your ability to navigate your diag-
nosis and treatment. Freely asking questions and ensuring you
have a strong understanding about what to expect can ease
your mind, and openly discussing your thoughts and needs
with those around you ensures they are in a better position to
offer the support you need.
Learn more about your treatment options for brain tumors at
Photos courtesy of
Getty Images
Thriving with a Brain Tumor
A brain tumor can result in a wide range of physical and emo- diation into the tumor cavity immediately after surgically re- B&S Wholesale OPEN DOOR MINISTRY
tional changes, but proactively managing your coping strategy moving the brain tumor. This allows radiation to be delivered
can have a significant impact on your treatment program and directly to the remaining tumor cells with no treatment delay. BUY LOCAL
quality of life. The unique design of the treatment tiles keeps the radiation SAVE ON SHIPPING!!
source from directly touching healthy brain tissue while deliv- “For I Know The Plans
“For I Know The Plans
“For I Know The Plans
I Have For You,
I Have For You,
Manage the physical side effects. Oftentimes, the side ef- ering a controlled treatment dose to the tumor cells, limiting Declares The Lord,
I Have For You,
Declares The Lord,
Declares The Lord,
Plans To Prosper You
fects associated with a brain tumor and its treatment are as the side effects typically associated with radiation. Once the “We service churches, And Not To Harm You,
Plans To Prosper You
Plans To Prosper You
troublesome as the tumor itself. Be prepared to experience radiation dose is delivered, the collagen tile is absorbed natu- And Not To Harm You,
Plans To Give You u,
And Not To Harm Yo
Plans To Give You
Plans To Give You
changes throughout your body, such as your skin and nails, rally by the body over time. Because the therapy is implanted restaurants, convenience stores, Hope And A Future.”
Hope And A Future.”
hair, weight, digestive system and nerves. Your medical team at the end of surgery, patients require no additional trips to the and other small businesses with Hope And A Future.”
can provide recommendations for therapies and at-home hospital or clinic for radiation therapy. JEREMIAH 29:11
remedies that ease your discomfort and reduce the severity of a wide variety of products at
the side effects. Arm yourself with information. Treating a brain tumor is a comparative prices.”
personal journey and there are many variables that can affect
Explore treatment options. For decades, clinicians have the path you choose. Dedicate yourself to researching every- 910-532-2175
sought better treatment options for patients with brain tumors. thing you can about your particular diagnosis, treatment op- Established 1976 910-532-2175
The current standard of care for patients with brain tumors tions, what to expect and the pros and cons of each decision. 910-892-2246 30 Day Residential Treatment Program
30 Day Residential Treatment Program
30 Day Residential Treatment Program
is surgical removal of the tumor in combination with radia- That knowledge can restore a sense of power in a situation Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab that is faith-based using God's Word the
Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab that is faith-based using God's Word the
Bible and Christian values? Open Door Ministry, located in Delway, North Caroli-
Bible and Christian values? Open Door Ministry, located in Delway, North Caroli-
tion therapy and at times chemotherapy. However, patients in where so many things may feel beyond your control. Mon-Fri 8-12 and 12:45-4:45 Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab that is faith-based using God's Word the
na, is a Christ centered program that teaches freedom from a life dominating sin.
Bible and Christian values? Open Door Ministry, located in Delway, North Caroli-
na, is a Christ centered program that teaches freedom from a life dominating sin.
na, is a Christ centered program that teaches freedom from a life dominating sin.
most cases must wait 2-3 weeks for the surgical incision from Open Door Ministry is a 30-day residential program that teaches victory over the
Open Door Ministry is a 30-day residential program that teaches victory over the
flesh through Jesus Christ and the truths in the Bible. This is done one day at a
flesh through Jesus Christ and the truths in the Bible. This is done one day at a
time through classroom teaching, victory cd's, personal soul care, chapel services
tumor removal to heal before beginning radiation treatment. Nurture your emotional health. A brain tumor diagnosis is Open Door Ministry is a 30-day residential program that teaches victory over the
flesh through Jesus Christ and the truths in the Bible. This is done one day at a
time through classroom teaching, victory cd's, personal soul care, chapel services
and work projects.
loaded with plenty of strong emotional responses, and you time through classroom teaching, victory cd's, personal soul care, chapel services
and work projects.
An FDA-cleared option for patients with newly diagnosed may find yourself quickly overwhelmed. Finding healthy and work projects.
Pastor David Chestnutt 910-549-8130 [email protected]
Pastor David Chestnutt 910-549-8130 [email protected]
malignant brain tumors and recurrent brain tumors, Gamma- ways to acknowledge and process those feelings can help you Office: 910-532-2175 Email: [email protected]
Pastor David Chestnutt 910-549-8130 [email protected]
Office: 910-532-2175 Email: [email protected]
Tile Therapy, involves placing small tiles embedded with ra- feel better prepared to cope with your diagnosis. Dedicate Office: 910-532-2175 Email: [email protected]
Harnett Life ~ Spring 2020
300 N. Wilson Ave.,
Dunn, NC 28334