Page 45 - Harnett Life Spring 2019
P. 45

“Med Instead of Meds” is another awesome new series we   For more information on any food-related workshops, con-
          started in 2018.  If you are interested in learning to eat the   tact Janice Fields, Extension Family and Consumer Sci-
          Mediterranean way but are not sure where to start, this se-  ences Agent, or Christy Strickland, County Extension Di-
          ries of 6 workshops will help.  Come discover the 7 simple   rector/Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, at
          steps of eating the Med Way.  As with the knife skills class,   (910) 671-3276, or by E-mail at [email protected]
          let us know if you are interested and whether you would   or [email protected].
          prefer a day or an evening time for this series.
                                                                North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T
          Throughout the year, we periodically offer “ServSafe Man-  State University are collectively committed to positive ac-
          ager Food Safety Certification Classes.”  This course is   tion to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination
          specifically designed for managers of restaurants, nursing   and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family
          home kitchens, or anywhere that is inspected by Robeson   and marital status, gender identity, genetic information, na-
          County Environmental Health for a sanitation score.  We   tional origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (includ-
          have completed one training series, and additional training   ing pregnancy), sexual orientation, and veteran status. NC
          series will be offered starting June 4 and again starting Oc-  State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local
          tober 8, 2019.  The manager with this certification should   governments cooperating.
          be present at the time of the inspection to avoid a 2-point
          deduction on their sanitation score.                  ABOUT N.C. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION
                                                                North Carolina Cooperative Extension is a strategic partner-
          We can also offer canning and food preservation classes   ship of NC State Extension, The Cooperative Extension Pro-
          if there are enough people interested.  Let us know if you   gram at N.C. A&T State University, the U.S. Department of
          want to learn to make jams and jellies, pickles, pressure   Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (US-
          canning, or water-bath canning.                       DA-NIFA), and local  government  partners statewide.  Exten-
                                                                sion delivers research-based education and technology  from
          Come join us in our 2019 fun food activities!  In addition,   NC State and N.C. A&T that enriches the lives, land and econ-
          if you have an idea  of something food-related  that  you   omy of North Carolinians. Extension professionals in all 100
          would like a workshop on, just contact us with a phone   counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee provide education-
          call, email, or Facebook message, and we will see if it is   al programs specializing  in agriculture, youth, communities,
          something we can teach.                               health and the environment.

                KETO FRIENDLY DESSERTS!!

             Many wonderful choices such as cake balls, brownies, blondies,
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                                                                           “We Service all Major Brands”

                                                                     2297 Byrds Mill Road, Erwin, NC, 28339
            Specializing in gourmet coffees, hand-crafted drinks of all sorts and
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                          and gluten friendly options

                                                                                             Exceptional Service

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                                     Phone: (910)230-0126
             1208 N. Ellis Ave.     Phone:  (910)230-0126
              1208 N. Ellis Ave.
             Dunn, NC 28334     [email protected]
              Dunn, NC 28334
                                [email protected]
              Specializing in gourmet coffees, hand-crafted drinks of all sorts and homemade
             custom cakes and other sweet treats including sugar-free and gluten friendly options
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