Page 40 - Harnett Life Fall 2019
P. 40
Ten Signs of Hearing Loss
You Can’t Afford to Miss
If you had hearing loss, would you know it? Not necessar- “What did you say?” all the time. If this sounds like you,
ily. Hearing loss starts subtly and symptoms take decades you may be experiencing hearing loss.
to appear as it progresses slowly over time. The most com- 2. Are restaurants too loud?
mon type of hearing loss, age-related hearing loss (pres- Restaurant background noises, music and people speaking
bycusis), shifts so gradually that you may not realize what loudly make it challenging to follow a
you are missing. In fact, as hearing worsens, you may sub- conversation.
consciously adjust everyday activities and social interac- 3. Social gatherings aren’t fun anymore
tions to cope with hearing difficulties. In time, you might Talking, music, laughter and other competing sounds
not notice how gradually hearing loss has diminished your make it harder to take part in social
ability to live your life to its fullest. Luckily, you can do situations. Perhaps you find yourself “sitting out” of the
things to improve this situation and re-engage with loved fun or heading home early.
ones. 4. Conversations take too much effort
Are you exhausted at night, or at the end of a meeting at
Knowing the signs of hearing loss is key work? The stress of straining to hear can take its toll on
to success your wellness.
5. Telephone conversations are a struggle
There are many signs of hearing loss. It starts with every- Do you struggle with phone calls? Telephone, and espe-
day annoyances. Some are blatant, others are subtle. If you cially cell phone, transmission is not perfect. Most people
or a loved one are showing these signs, we encourage you can fill in the gaps. Hearing loss compounds the problem
to make an appointment for a complimentary hearing as- and you may struggle to take in the information. This may
sessment.* lead to you avoiding calls and resorting to texting.
6. Hearing loss affects you and your loved ones
1. “People are mumbling” Hearing loss can take an emotional toll on your relation-
You may notice that certain words are difficult to under- ships.
stand. People may seem to be talking too softly or not enun- 7. High volume is a sign of hearing loss
ciating their words. Chances are you find yourself saying, Do others complain that you turn up the volume too loud
Page 40 Harnett Life ~ Fall 2019