Page 6 - Robeson Living Winter 2021
P. 6

Lumberton landmark and the family

                                  that called it home                                                  By Blake Tyner

                                                       MacLean Home

      Now that Thanksgiving has passed, we are into the Christmas   room at the back of the house opens to a large outdoor enter-
      season. Lights are being strung and decorated trees are appear-  taining space which includes a pool. The home was filled with
      ing in windows. Many people will start riding around town to   numerous family portraits and antiques from both sides of the
      view the decorations of their neighbors. One place that many   family. The dining room table and sideboard were purchased
      of Robeson County’s citizens always rode by to see is the fes-  by Mr. MacLean’s mother to use during their time in the North
      tive display including a life size Santa was the MacLean home   Carolina  Governor’s  mansion.  They  were  from  the  officer’s
      in Lumberton at 2101 Elm Street.                           dining room of the original North Carolina Battleship.

      The MacLean Home was built in the style of a graceful South-  The couple followed in the footsteps of  Mr. MacLean’s moth-
      ern home of years gone by and the entrance is framed with   er, Margaret French McLean. She entertained not only at the
      beautiful Doric columns. The property was purchased Febru-  North Carolina  Governor’s mansion  but  also  at  the  family
      ary 6, 1951, from Badger and Lillie McLeod to construct this   home in Washington, DC and Lumberton. Hosting events for
      home for Hector MacLean and his wife the former Lyl War-   national politicians and celebrities.
      wick of Talladega, Alabama.
                                                                 The Elm Street home was used to entertain local but also state-
      The grand home was built in a manner to make it prefect for   wide like when Mrs. MacLean hosted a luncheon for NC First
      entertaining with all the rooms opening to a large central home.   Lady Mrs. Dan Moore in 1968. The home and grounds were
      The frost floor consists of a formal dining room with adjoining   open in 1958 to host a fundraiser for the Elizabethan Gardens
      dining room and across the hall is the library. The large family   then being established on Roanoke Islands. MacLeans opened
      Page 6                                                                                Robeson Living ~ Winter 2021
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