Page 22 - Robeson Living Winter 2021
P. 22
STEAM-y Project By Shea Ann DeJarnette,
Extension 4-H Youth Development Agent
Lumberton, N.C. -- A great way to keep youths’ minds Hot Chocolate Mix
sharp over the holidays is to let them help out in the • 1 1/3 cup granulated sugar
kitchen. After all, cooking involves Science (applying • 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
heat and cold to change a substance), Technology (micro- • 1/2 cup powdered milk
waves, timers, appliances), Engineering, Art, and Math • 1/8 teaspoon salt
(measuring out different ingredients and determining the • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
best way to add for optimal taste - then making it look
appetizing). So basically, cooking is a STEAM Project. Combine all ingredients in a zip-top or slide-seal bag.
Seal the bag and shake until everything is combined. You
In 4-H we believe in “Learning by Doing,” and cooking is can pour the mix into mason jars to give as a gift. To
one of the best methods for hands-on learning. One of my serve, add 1-2 tablespoons of hot chocolate mix to about
favorite activities with the 4-H members is making their 8 oz. of hot water. Stir until dissolved and enjoy!
own hot chocolate mix. They can make enough to give as
gifts, or just enjoy it at home. Below is the recipe we use, For more information, contact Shea Ann DeJarnette, Ex-
and it is a lot of fun. (Hint: if you want to make it more tension 4-H Youth Development Agent with North Caro-
challenging, have them double or half the recipe and see lina Cooperative Extension, Robeson County Center, at
how they do!) 671-3276, or by E-mail at Shea_Ann_DeJarnette@ncsu.
Page 22 Robeson Living ~ Winter 2021