Page 32 - Harnett Life Summer 2022
P. 32

Its Summertime and the Living Is

                                          Far From Easy

                                                                         By Samantha Bennett,
                                                                         Director Saving Grace Dog Rescue Robeson County

                                                                 supporters, but they cannot shoulder the burden alone.  Ev-
                                                                 ery penny helps. No matter if you can give $5.00, $50.00, or
                                                                 500.00 dollars a month it adds up to lives saved.

                                                                 Robeson County is highest in euthanasia numbers for several
                                                                 reasons. Primarily because people do not spay/neuter their ani-
                                                                 mals. There are other factors. Poverty and limited resources
                                                                 exacerbate the problem. A lack of knowledge about programs
                                                                 that help spay/neuter pets may contribute to the number of un-
                                                                 wanted pets. The Robeson County animal shelter in St. Pauls
                                                                 distributes vouchers to citizens that qualify. Call 910-865-2200
                                                                 to find out more information. The Robeson County Humane
                                                                 Society on 5th Street in Lumberton has a voucher program
                                                                 as well as a private fund for qualifying senior citizens. The
                                                                 number there is 910-738-8282.  Here at the rescue, we hope to
                                                                 continue hosting mobile low cost spay/neuter events. The only
                                                                 way we will make a change for the better in the lives of the
                                                                 animals and people of Robeson County is by working together
      Saving Grace Dog Rescue Robeson County is a state licensed   to do so. It will take all of us. Law enforcement, animal control,
      501c3 facility with the ability to house dogs/puppies. We in-  the shelter, rescues, veterinarians, the Tribe, media, and regular
      take animals from the shelter/animal control, etc. and provide   animal loving Joe/Joann Citizen. We may not be able to do
      basic care before sending them to foster or the main location in   everything, but we can all do something.
      Wake Forest for adoption into their fur-ever homes.
                                                                 The problem is huge, and tackling it will not be easy, but doing
      Since opening the doors on March 15, 2021, there has been no   nothing is not an option. Too many furry lives are at stake, too
      shortage of animals in need. As I sat down to write this article   many people with pets need help, and there is no time like the
      numbers 749-752 arrived (enjoy their cuteness in the photo be-  present to start. Please visit our webpage at Robeson.saving-
      low). Not two hours ago, a load went back to the Wake Forest to donate or to learn more about our volunteer or
      location. Most days it seems there is no time to breathe, or eat,   foster programs.  Together we can change things for the better.
      or stop. The phone calls, emails, text messages, and social me-
      dia tags to help dogs in need never end. Vehicles pulling up to   Pup Tips: Make sure your fur friend is on a flea/tick/heart-
      the gate with a found litter of pups or a dog come and go daily.   worm preventative.  It is important  to treat  year-round, but
      I’m sure it is the same for all other rescues as well.     spring/summer are really prime time for parasites.

      Occasionally a car will come bringing a donation or supplies.   Be careful of the heat! Dogs/cats cannot cool themselves like
      Occasionally a delivery truck will deliver an item on our Wish   we do. Keep them  off asphalt/cement  to prevent  burns and
      List.  These  arrivals are far  outnumbered  by  the amount of   heatstroke.  Leave  your pet at home when you jog, etc. DO
      help we need. Our medical costs are extremely high and get-  NOT LEAVE YOUR PET IN A CAR…should be a no brainer
      ting higher every month. We take in many heartworm positive   but pets die every year this way. It takes only minutes for an
      dogs that must be treated before adoption, dogs with gunshot   animal to have a heatstroke and/or die. If you are warm, your
      wounds or other injuries requiring amputation, and dogs with   pet is hot. If you are hot, your pet is burning up.
      mange. Every animal gets basic healthcare entailing vaccines,
      deworming, preventatives, and spay/neuter. We do everything   Fireworks. Every year animals go missing around holidays that
      within our means to make sure the dogs we take in are adopt-  involve fireworks. Always leave your pet at home when visit-
      able. This comes at a great cost. In order to continue this work,   ing a firework celebration. If your neighborhood has residents
      we need local support in the form of donations and/or through   that shoot fireworks, lock your pet inside in its favorite room,
      fostering/volunteering. There is no magic fairy filling the bank   in its crate, or in the garage if it lives outside. Don’t take the
      accounts of  rescues.  We need every person doing whatever   chance of losing your pet. Make sure it is microchipped and
      they can to help us make a difference. We have several faithful   wearing a clearly visible name tag with your information on it.
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